Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ID3 tag update issue

This may be helpful to someone else down the road ... I had to go in change a registry (couldn't get read only setting to stay unchecked) setting and manually to an attrib -r +s at the command prompt ... then still couldn't access the categories to change the tags ... and found this solution. Not sure if the the read only issue but would be willing to bet that the tag issue was caused by iTunes ... it's their MO ... ;-(

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Cannot edit file properties for mp3 files in Windows 7

Cannot edit file properties for mp3 files in Windows 7
Monday, December 21, 2009 5:13 AMmanu2012 Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
I recently upgraded from Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Ultimate. Now I can't change the artist, album, genre, etc. info on any of my music files when I go to the file's Properties and under the Details tab, or with the tags at the bottom of the Windows Explorer. If I try to change something and click apply or OK, it just changes right back. I have all the permissions checked under my account. I tried unchecking the Read-Only attribute of the folder and files, but it after I click apply or OK, again, it changes back when I reopen the dialog box.There are several other threads with the same problem, but none have a satisfactory answer/solution. I had no problem with this before I upgraded. Please help, it's very frustrating.

Also, I'd rather a SOLUTION from Microsoft rather than a way around it with third party tag software. Thanks.
Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:53 PMGeoff81D Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
 Proposed Answer
I had this exact same problem and spent all day yesterday trying to solve it, finding no help on any of the sites I searched. However, today I have SOLVED the problem and so have registered here so I can post the solution:


The problem seems to be with the ID3 tags in the files. I suspect in my case iTunes has caused some conflict with how the ID3 tags are handled but I'm no expert on all that to be honest. I was however able to use iTunes to easily solve the problem.

All I did was open the problem file in iTunes, right click on it and select 'Convert ID3 Tags' then from the drop-down menu in 'ID3 Tag Version' select 'v2.2' (I didn't try any of the others maybe they also work?)

You can select multiple tracks at once to convert them all.

If you go back to windows explorer you will find that the song information is now back and fully editable.

I'm sure there are other programs you can use to convert the ID3 tags but iTunes worked for me.

This is a bit of a long and laborious process if you have many tracks to do but worth it in the end.
Read more at social.technet.microsoft.com

The Story of Bottled Water (2010)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Words matter

Came across this through a link on Twitter - there is more at the page ... wanted to capture the main jist of it since this blog seems to not have updated since 2008 ... this is an important message - one I don't think many think about.

Can We Stop Using the Term Ally?

We really need to stop using the term ally. This applies to all of us in anti-oppression work, whether in the work in question we are part of the oppressed or oppressor class*. This is not about people who self-identify as allies and don't work on their privilege and refuse to listen to members of the oppressed group, but to all people who might self-identify as an ally to an oppressed group. Ally is an inherently problematic. It:
1.) Presupposes you are doing a good job, and by its very use, is a coercive request to members of the oppressed group to give approval to the person in question, and more so, it is linked to an expectation of gratitude for attempting to do two things:
a) Acknowledge and work on** one's privilege as a member of an oppressor class.
b) Helping to make voices of the oppressed class heard, and actively standing up in solidarity with the oppressed class.
a) is just part of being a decent human being. If you are not acknowledging your various privileges and trying to understand what it is to be a member of an oppressor class, you going from benefiting from an oppressive system (which, as a member of the oppressor class, you can't help but do) to contributing your energies to maintaining and strengthening that oppressive system. (b) is working in solidarity, and working in solidarity is a necessary part of a strong, broad-reaching anti-oppression movement.
2.) Distracts attention from members of the oppressed class and focuses on the self-identified ally. Anti-racist, anti-cissexist, anti-sexist, anti-ablist, anti-classist work needs to focus on the voices and experiences of the oppressed class, not the members of the oppressor class who are attempting to be decent human beings and/or working in solidarity.
3.) By self-identifying as an ally, you are building an identity on others' oppression. This is profoundly appropriative, because it is making oppression you do not experience part of your own identity. It also furthers the Othering of oppressed classes, as it once again has people defining themselves in terms of not being the Other, and reinforcing the view of the Other at the margins.
Read more at radicalmasculinity.blogspot.com

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Twitter 'lecture' to newspapers

A series of thinking points from a twitter feed of a talk to newspaper executives ...

Amplify’d from storify.com

@jxpaton's Twitter lecture to newspapers

#JRC CEO John Paton gives a talk to newspaper executives in a series of tweets
From MediaXchange 2011 stage my Ten Tweets To Transform Newspapers - starting now #naamxc11 #jrc
“the newspaper model is broken & can’t be fixed” #fail #naamxc11 #jrc
“newspapers will disappear in less than10 years unless their biz model is changed now” #changeordie #naamxc11 #jrc
the ne
the new newspaper model must become digital first and print last” #customerswantdigital #naamxc11 #jrc
“the new newspaper model must now only allocate resources to the new news ecology” #slaytheproductiongod #naamxc11 #jrc
“stop listening to print people and put the digital people in charge - of everything” #printnogoodatdigital #naamxc11 #jrc
“newspapers must invest in content, sales & disruption – sell or outsource everything else” #linktotherest #naamxc11 #jrc
“trust the crowd & especially your youngest employees they will lead the needed experiments” #naamxc11 #jrcbenfranklinproject #idealab #jrc
complaint: newspaper dollars becoming digital dimes #naamxc11- response: start stacking the dimes #stopwhiningaboutreality #naamxc11 #jrc
“digital first works #jrc digital audience grew 75% now more digital audience than print in less than 1 year” #newspaperscanchange #naamxc11
“digital first works: #jrc digital revenue up 70% Q1 ‘11 vs Q1 ‘10 – real growth not newspaper voodoo bundling metrics” #naamxc1
Read more at storify.com