Saturday, March 26, 2011

Twitter 'lecture' to newspapers

A series of thinking points from a twitter feed of a talk to newspaper executives ...

Amplify’d from

@jxpaton's Twitter lecture to newspapers

#JRC CEO John Paton gives a talk to newspaper executives in a series of tweets
From MediaXchange 2011 stage my Ten Tweets To Transform Newspapers - starting now #naamxc11 #jrc
“the newspaper model is broken & can’t be fixed” #fail #naamxc11 #jrc
“newspapers will disappear in less than10 years unless their biz model is changed now” #changeordie #naamxc11 #jrc
the ne
the new newspaper model must become digital first and print last” #customerswantdigital #naamxc11 #jrc
“the new newspaper model must now only allocate resources to the new news ecology” #slaytheproductiongod #naamxc11 #jrc
“stop listening to print people and put the digital people in charge - of everything” #printnogoodatdigital #naamxc11 #jrc
“newspapers must invest in content, sales & disruption – sell or outsource everything else” #linktotherest #naamxc11 #jrc
“trust the crowd & especially your youngest employees they will lead the needed experiments” #naamxc11 #jrcbenfranklinproject #idealab #jrc
complaint: newspaper dollars becoming digital dimes #naamxc11- response: start stacking the dimes #stopwhiningaboutreality #naamxc11 #jrc
“digital first works #jrc digital audience grew 75% now more digital audience than print in less than 1 year” #newspaperscanchange #naamxc11
“digital first works: #jrc digital revenue up 70% Q1 ‘11 vs Q1 ‘10 – real growth not newspaper voodoo bundling metrics” #naamxc1