Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mad As Hell! Kinetic Typography

Terence McKenna - Syntax of Psychedelic Time

14:15 “I think that the old evolutionary model, which was that evolution was the struggle of the fittest, and the devil take the hindmost, is pretty much discredited. And we now understand that what is maximized in evolution is not the sharpness of the fang or the length of the claw, but the ability to cooperate with other species, harmoniously. That’s what’s being maximized. … Humans are a perverse lot, and I suppose what one can reasonably hope for is incremental advances toward the good.”

37:52 “What freedom means is you find out how good you are by discovering what you do when you have the power to destroy yourself, and we as a species are in that position and no one can do it but us. And if we do not destroy ourselves, then very obviously the intellectual tools that we have taken in hand are the tools which will send us out to the stars.”

49:57 “Science did work better in the 19th century than it’s working in the 20th because reality is slowly slipping through its fingers.”

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Friday, September 30, 2011

C-Realm Podcast #277: The Planes of Mind and Matter

KMO welcomes John Michael Greer back to the C-Realm to discuss maladaptive memes like the ones that drive speculative bubbles and predictions of the impending end of the world. Economists believe that abstractions, like money, can be manipulated in ways that can overcome the material limitations of the "real" world. John Michael says that to call this "magical thinking" is to do a serious disservice to operative mages and other practitioners of magical techniques. He suggests that we label the belief that we can derive something from nothing "economic thinking." Music by the Transpersonals.

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Visionary Activist Radio Show

October 22, 2009 Show
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Trickster Medicine - Pragmatic Mysticism and More!

Caroline plays a great portion of the collaborative presentation that she and Dr. Andrew Weil gave at Bioneers on October 17th.