Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing

Paul Stamets interview

The Visionary Activist Show, for October 2, 2008 - 2:00pm
Click to Play:


Halloween Comes Early
this year, what with the VP Debate tonight and all...
So Caroline welcomes back her favorite Medicine Man, Paul Stamets, human agent from the fungi realm, fellow animist, to remind us that all of nature is willing to cooperate with us delinquent humans to solve the crises we have created.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jerome Kagan - The Father of Temperament

All In The Mind Podcast - April 21 2007

Why can two children born into the same household be like two different peas in a pod? Harvard's Jerome Kagan trailblazed the controversial science of temperament to investigate why. In a career that spans more than half a century, now he's going into battle for our minds, with a compelling retrospective, An Argument for Mind. To some an iconoclast - one of the biggest names in psychology of our time joins Natasha Mitchell, in this re-airing of a popular interview.

Download Audio

Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

Wal-Mart Victory Party

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Johann Hari podcast - Episode 21

The 'New' Atheism: An Interview with P.Z. Myers 

In his latest podcast, The Independent columnist Johann Hari interviews one of the world's leading biologists and campaigning atheists - and a man who once kidnapped a communion wafer, with surreal results. Is religion incompatible with science? Why is Richard Dawkins so routinely smeared as akin to violent Ayatollahs? And should we have a right to burn the Koran?


Posted here mainly because the main site has no download link nor separate page for the episode itself ... ;-) ... 

Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans!

".. These people are selling us credit they don't have so they can take profits they don't deserve ..."