Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jerome Kagan - The Father of Temperament

All In The Mind Podcast - April 21 2007

Why can two children born into the same household be like two different peas in a pod? Harvard's Jerome Kagan trailblazed the controversial science of temperament to investigate why. In a career that spans more than half a century, now he's going into battle for our minds, with a compelling retrospective, An Argument for Mind. To some an iconoclast - one of the biggest names in psychology of our time joins Natasha Mitchell, in this re-airing of a popular interview.

Download Audio

Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

Wal-Mart Victory Party

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Johann Hari podcast - Episode 21

The 'New' Atheism: An Interview with P.Z. Myers 

In his latest podcast, The Independent columnist Johann Hari interviews one of the world's leading biologists and campaigning atheists - and a man who once kidnapped a communion wafer, with surreal results. Is religion incompatible with science? Why is Richard Dawkins so routinely smeared as akin to violent Ayatollahs? And should we have a right to burn the Koran?


Posted here mainly because the main site has no download link nor separate page for the episode itself ... ;-) ... 

Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans!

".. These people are selling us credit they don't have so they can take profits they don't deserve ..."