Well - I have a purpose for this little corner of the internet now. I have decided this is my dumping grounds. I have a toolbar link to dump as I go. It will come as I find it - no particular rhyme or reason - as I bounce around this wonderland of information we call the internet. Hope you find something of interest - you may just get an idea of just who I am by what I find valuable. Enjoy.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Michael Parenti -- The Myth of the Founding Fathers
It's time we take a really close look at who the Constitution was really written for ... something we seriously need to consider, look at and think about ...
Link to the playlist for those on Buzz - ;-) Michael Parenti -- The Myth of the Founding Fathers
Thursday, June 16, 2011
C-Realm podcast 262: Assume the Can is Open
KMO welcomes John Michael Greer back to the program to discuss his new book, The Wealth of Nature: Economics as if Survival Mattered. JMG has re-thought economics, starting from its fundamental premises, giving it a basis in ecological reality rather than political fiction. He explains why there are no "free markets" and why there never have been. The discussion concludes with a brief discussion of UFO true believers and their counterparts in the psuedo-skeptical community of UFO debunkers. Music by Tonal Oak.
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