Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Visionary Activist Show - September 4, 2008 at 2:00pm | KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley: Listener Sponsored Free Speech Radio

The Visionary Activist Show - September 4, 2008 at 2:00pm | KPFA 94.1 FM Berkeley: Listener Sponsored Free Speech Radio:

Download this clip (mp3, 10.28 megabytes)

The Visionary Activist Show - September 4, 2008

Coyote Network News Republican Convention Coverage

Caroline delineates the 'Whoaaaaa Team' the dangerous game just got racheted up a notch, with Sarah Palin's speech last night in St. Paul. Let's explore the weird eroto-psychic-psychotic-tyrannical vs liberating forces romping across the telescreen of the collective, that we may be ever more effective players on the team of creation at this time of dire beauty."

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Breakdown: Should the US Return to the Gold Standard?

Congressman Ron Paul is a supporter of it. Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner had a sick obsession with it. Eliminated entirely by Richard Nixon following the fiscal strains of the Vietnam war, the gold standard has recently returned to the spotlight. But how does the standard work, and what would happen if America switched back to the gold standard for our currency? On this week's edition of The Breakdown, DC Editor Chris Hayes and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Liaquat Ahamed explore the pros and cons of backing our dollars with gold.

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C-Realm Podcast #260: Utopias and Intentional Communities


Is there any such thing as a perfect human society even in theory? Are there any objective measures by which to compare actual societies and judge some as superior to others? KMO talks with Prof. Bob Rosenthal about the idea of Utopia. The conversation ranges from Plato's Republic and Sir Thomas More's vision of the perfect society to actual, functioning subcultures like the Anabaptists and intentional communities like the Farm. Music by Sarah Jarosz.

Carl Jung: The Wisdom of The Dream - Vol 2 - Inheritance of Dreams [FULL]

Thought of You - by Ryan Woodward