Monday, April 25, 2011

The Beast File: Catholic Church Sex Scandals (HUNGRY BEAST)

C-Realm Podcast 181: Raising Rock Bottom

KMO welcomes Charles Eisenstein back to the program to explore the metaphor of industrial civilization as an addict headed for rock bottom. In the service of a culture addicted to control, technology consumes the world, but after hitting rock bottom, might the destructive nature of technology be transformed along with human consciousness? In the second half of the conversation, Charles talks about the life and work of Weston A. Price and explores ways to reconcile the idea of doing sacred work with the demands of a money economy.

Diet Soap Podcast #7: Transcending the Ego

Neil Kramer is back for the second half of a conversation about the control system and the self. This episode also features a reading of Gary Snyder's "Buddhist Anarchism," and the voices of Krishnamurti, Alan Watts, Jill Bolte Taylor, and Slavoj Zizek. If you've been listening and have a comment write to and your comment will be read in the next podcast.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Visionary Activist Show w/Rev. Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping

The Visionary Activist Show, for December 13, 2007 - 2:00pm
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The Visionary Activist Show - December 13, 2007Averting the Shopocalypse!
In order to avert the dangerous distraction of the "Shopocalypse" O No! What Would Jesus Buy Caroline welcomes Rev. Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping and his now launched movie, "What Would Jesus Buy?"