Thursday, April 7, 2011

WHEN WE GROW, This is what we can do (Full Documentary)

The C-Realm Podcast

The C-Realm Podcast: "252: Your Christmas Pony: Paleo or High Tech?

KMO talks with Lierre Keith and Tara Holste about agriculture and the civilizations to which it gives rise. Lierre argues that vegetarianism, no matter the motivation, destroys the Earth as readily as does a diet heavy with meat so long as it depends on annual mono-cropping. Her expression of this opinion has drawn scorn and physical assaults from vegan ideologues. Lierre wants humans to return to a pre-agricultural existence, and she does not admit of any possibility of moving beyond civilization into something sustainable yet distinct from the paleolithic mode of human existence.

Music by Fernando Tarango
Direct download: c-realm_podcast_252.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:25 PM"

Intimidation with FOIA

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

12/12/10 - Matt Elrod | Drug Truth Network

12/12/10 - Matt Elrod | Drug Truth Network: "12/12/10 - Matt Elrod
Printer-friendly versionPrinter-friendly version

Title: Century of Lies
Date: 12/12/10
Guest: Matt Elrod
Organization: DrugSense
Year: 2010
Length: 29:00 minutes (13.28 MB)
Format: Mono 44kHz 64Kbps (CBR)

Matt Elrod of DrugSense re escalation of drug war in Canada Vermont state Rep Jason Lorber re effort to decrim marijuana"

California Dreaming

Monday, April 4, 2011

RSA Animate - First as Tragedy, Then as Farce

Here we go again ...

How many times are these large data miners gonna be compromised before people understand how vulnerable their data is when these companies only see it as a commodity and not someone's life?

Amplify’d from

Epsilon data breach results in a huge loss of customer data

April 2, 2011 | Dean Takahashi

Epsilon, the world’s largest provider of permission-based email marketing, has suffered a huge data breach. That means hackers may have swiped customer data belonging to the world’s biggest brands.

Epsilon sends more than 40 billion emails a year on behalf of 2,500 brands. Security Week said the breach has affected a number of those brands, including grocery retailer Kroger, TiVo, Marriott Rewards, Ritz-Carlton Rewards, US Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Capital One, Citi, McKinsey & Company, New York & Company, Brookstone, and Walgreens.

At first, the breach was believed to have affected only Kroger. But more and more companies have been confirming that they have had their data stolen as well. Epsilon builds and hosts customer databases for brands, making it a prime target for hackers. In many cases, the data lost is simply someone’s email address. But Security Week says that’s all that a hacker needs to try a targeted phishing attack against the customer, who will expect to have communication from these brands. You might, for instance, receive a message from Brookstone about a special offer addressed to your name. But it may be carrying a virus that exposes you to data theft if you simply open the email. These kinds of phishing attacks are likely to have a higher success rate.

Marriott Rewards and Ritz Carlton Rewards told SecurityWeek that their customer names, email addresses, and member point balances were exposed. Citi warned customers via Twitter about the incident. Epsilon disclosed the breach late Friday.