Monday, November 29, 2010

Terence McKenna - Time Acceleration

The Real Jesus - a new hypothesis: The Historical Jesus, a New and Plausible Hypothesis

The Real Jesus - a new hypothesis: The Historical Jesus, a New and Plausible Hypothesis
Kevin Mulholland - November 26, 2010

Since my de-conversion from Christianity, my stepfather and I had been engaged in an email debate for several months.

On this occasion we were debating the historicity of Jesus Christ.

Specifically, I queried him on the lack of corroborating evidence from sources outside the bible, given Jesus' supposed fame (according to the bible).

He responded with ``What artefacts would one expect from that distant period for a preacher with an itinerant ministry for only 3 1/2 years in the Roman outback of Palestine?”"

Steve Hughes - Offended

As per usual 'Cantona' Says it as it is. We should promote this as much ...